Qualité Tourisme

Quality approach
The Quality Tourism brand guarantees that the ease of approach, the reception of customers on site, by telephone and by mail, the layout of the premises, the information made available and available for consultation, the availability, competence and training of the staff , customer satisfaction management are checked regularly.

Our customer commitments:
The Tourist Office is committed to its visitors to:
  • Ensure the reception of customers by an efficient and attentive team
  • A permanent listening, and personalized advice throughout the year
  • Taking into account the comments made by its customers
  • Permanent responsiveness, taking into account changes in tourism
  • Continuously adapt its paper and internet media
  • Ensure that its premises are always pleasant and functional.
Operational objectives
  • Continuous improvement of Quality within the structure:
  • Gradual passage in Quality of all the services of the structure.
  • Ensure the reception of customers by an efficient and attentive team:
  • Ongoing staff training (50 hours per person per year), to adapt the service to changes in the sector and customer needs.
  • Maintenance of service performance.
  • Permanent listening, and personalized advice throughout the year:
  • Continuous improvement of the training of new arrivals in the reception service, to ensure the quality of service throughout the year.
  • Consideration of comments made by customers (visitors, service providers, elected officials):
  • Maintain the quality and speed of response to complaints, suggestions and thanks received, even during the absence of the Quality Manager.
  • Ongoing communication with industry players:
  • Involvement in Destination Saint-Brevin, structure for reflection on the evolution of the destination.
  • Implementation of a newsletter of statistical information on the frequentation of the structure, communicated to the municipality and to the service providers.
  • In periods of saturation of the accommodation stock, communication of availability to all the professional service providers concerned.

Have you contacted the Saint Brevin Intercommunal Tourist Office by phone, email, Social Networks or via the Website?
With the aim of continuously improving our services, we would like to know your opinion on the handling of your request.
We invite you to take 2 minutes to fill it in and give us your opinion on the quality of our services and the response to your request: Remote Quality Survey

If you have stayed on our territory and you have visited one of the Destination's Information Offices, please note that you can also give us your opinion on the welcome you received.
We invite you to take 2 minutes to fill it in and give us your opinion on the quality of our services and the response to your request: Quality Survey
Tourist Office classification

The tourist offices of France, formerly classified in stars, benefit since the reform of the classifications, from a classification in 3 categories:
Category I, Category II and Category III
Category I, attesting to the highest level of service quality.

Since October 15, 2013, the tourist office of Saint Brevin Sud Estuaire is classified in CATEGORY I

The Saint Brevin Sud Estuaire tourist office is a member of the network of French Tourist Offices and undertakes to:
- Provide you with a reception area and an easily accessible information area.
- Facilitate your procedures.
- Provide you with furniture to sit on.
- Inform you for free about the local tourist offer.
- Offer you free access to wifi.
- Provide a clear and precise answer to your letters all year round.
- Display and distribute its opening periods expressed in at least 2 foreign languages.
- Be open at least 240 days a year, Saturday and Sunday included, during tourist or entertainment periods.
- Ensure a permanent reception service run by staff speaking at least 2 foreign languages.
- Ensure the supply of tourist maps, plans and tourist guides on paper.
- You give access to its dedicated trilingual website suitable for consultation via on-board media (smartphone, tablets, etc.).
- Disseminate its tourist information also on paper translated at least into 2 foreign languages ​​relating to:
to all classified tourist accommodation including at least the name of the establishment, postal address, email, website address, telephone number, classification level;
monuments and cultural, natural or leisure tourist sites which may include an indication of the user fees, periods and hours of opening to the public, the website and telephone and postal contact details;
events and entertainment;
to emergency telephone numbers.
- Update its tourist information annually.
- Display emergency telephone numbers outside.
- Present all the qualified offer of its area of ​​intervention for all customers.
- You give access to the consultation of the availability of classified accommodation.
- Comply with the requirements of the Qualité TourismeTM label.
- Process your complaints and measure your satisfaction.
- Offer a tourist information service integrating new information and communication technologies (social networks, mobile telephony, geolocation, etc.).
- Provide you with a travel advisor.
- Guarantee the reliability and timeliness of information on the local tourist offer.

  • anglais-3030
  • allemand-3031