
Notre talent coup de coeur : Sand

From Monday 01 July to Saturday 31 August 2024

Every day


Stage de danse malienne

Saturday 27 July 2024

14:00 to 16:00


Atelier "street art"

Saturday 27 July 2024

14:30 to 16:00


Concert Joséphine, la cantatrice

Saturday 27 July 2024

from 15:00

Ticketing at preferential rates
Our Tourist Office negotiates for you special rates for your leisure and cruise tickets. Discover all our offers now.

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Saint Brevin South Estuary, bike destination
Situated at the junction of the Vélodyssée, Vélocéan and Loire à Vélo, the South Estuary is a great place for biking. If you're next to our territory, ask for the degree "Destination Vélo" : it's free and makes a good memory ! ...

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Book boxes
Favor the sharing of books, the transmission of knowledge, the anonymous exchange of his literary favorites, that is the idea and the effect of the book boxes. Designed and manufactured by municipal officials, these boxes are accessible all year ...

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